High Strength Bearing for Large-Bore LEAD FREE Engines
High Strength Bearing for Large-Bore LEAD FREE Engines


Check back here regularly to find out what's going on with the BeLEADFREE project.

25th of July, 2018

BeLEADFREE Newsletter 2

Now that BeLEADFREE project has been formally completed, it is a good time to review the work conducted and the outcomes delivered during the 24 months of the project. To know more about the development of the BeLEADFREE project, please check the 2nd issue of the BeLEADFREE Project Newsletter below.

BeLEADFREE Project Newsletter No. 2
Adobe Acrobat document [251.3 KB]

1st of June, 2018

Project completed!

The BeLEADFREE Project was officially completed on the 31st of May after the submission of the last 5 project deliverables. Overall, all of the main objectives set at the beginning of the project have been achieved and the project has been very sucessfull. More details will be included in this News section of the BeLEADFREE website in the next few weeks with the publication of the 2nd BeLEADFREE Project Newsletter.

16th and 17th of May, 2018

BeLEADFREE Final Review Meeting and End-of-project Conference

The BeLEADFREE Final Review Meeting was held on the 16th of May in London (United Kingdom). Representatives of all the BeLEADFREE Consortium partners attended the quarterly meeting to review the progress of the project.


The BeLEADFREE End-of-project Conference was held the next day. The purpose of the conference was to review the project development, outcomes & achievements and share any lessons learned by the BeLEADFREE Consortium partners.


The picture below shows the BeLEADFREE Consortium members that attended both the Final Review Meeting and the Enf-of-project COnference. More information about the Enf-of-project Conference can be found in the attached BeLEADFREE End-of-project Conference brochure.

BeLEADFREE End-of-project Conference brochure
Adobe Acrobat document [664.6 KB]

22nd-23rd of February, 2018

EU Industry Day 2018

DIBE was invited by the Executive Agency for SMEs, as Coordinator and on behalf of the BeLEADFREE Consortium, to showcase the BeLEADFREE project, its goals and achievements in the EU Industry Day 2018 organised by the European Commission on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2018 in Brussels. This event constitutes the most important forum for stakeholders contributing to European industrial competitiveness to showcase their activities, learn from each other, discuss cross-cutting issues and develop joint visions for the future. The following pictures show some highlights of the presence of BeLEADFREE in the event.

DIBE staff Dr Ignacio Tudela-Montes (left), Dr Yi Zhang (second from the right) and Dr Rolandas Verbickas (first from right) with Project Officer Ms Chaterine Pouret
Dr Ignacio Tudela and Dr Rolandas Verbickas introduce the BeLEADFREE Project to Commissioner Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska
Dr Rolandas Verbickas discusses the issues of Pb with Ms Doris Schröcker, Head of Industrial Technologies – Strategy Unit at the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation
Dr Yi Zhang and Mr Peter Dröll, Director of Industrial Technologies at the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation, toasting for a succesful completion of the BeLEADFREE project

17th of January, 2018

BeLEADFREE 5th Review Meeting

The BeLEADFREE 5th Review Meeting was held on the 17th of January in Ilminster(United Kingdom). Representatives of all the BeLEADFREE Consortium partners attended the quarterly meeting to review the progress of the project. The picture below shows the attendees to the meeting in front of the prototype pilot line constructed during the project.

1st of November, 2017

Prototype pilot line

The BeLEADFREE Consortium has hit a key milestone in the development of the project by succesfully designing, fabricating and operating a prototype pilot line capable of delivering prototype bearings. After hiting this milestone, the Consortium is in a strong position to sucesfully complete the BeLEADFREE project within the planned schedule. The picture below shows DIBE's core team responsible for the prototype pilot line.

13th of September, 2017

BeLEADFREE 4th Review Meeting

The BeLEADFREE 4th Review Meeting was held on the 13th of September in Ilminster(United Kingdom). Representatives of all the BeLEADFREE Consortium partners attended the quarterly meeting to review the progress of the project. The meeting also included a visit to DIBE's new prototype pilot line developed as part of this project. The picture below shows the attendees to the meeting.

1st of June, 2017

BeLEADFREE Newsletter 1

Now that the first year of the BeLEADFREE project is gone, it is a good time to review the work conducted and the outcomes delivered during the first 12 months of the project. To know more about the development of the BeLEADFREE project during its first year, please check the 1st issue of the BeLEADFREE Project Newsletter below.

BeLEADFREE Project Newsletter No. 1
Adobe Acrobat document [721.3 KB]

23rd-24th of May, 2017

BeLEADFREE 3rd Review Meeting

The BeLEADFREE 3rd Review Meeting was held on the 23rd-24th of May in Eibar (Spain). Representatives of all the BeLEADFREE Consortium partners and Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME) - European Commission attended the meeting to review the progress of the project during its first 12 months. The picture below shows the attendees to the meeting.

15th-16th of March, 2017

BeLEADFREE 2nd Review Meeting

The BeLEADFREE 2nd Review Meeting was held on the 15th-16th of March in Leuven (Belgium). Representatives of all the BeLEADFREE Consortium partners attended the meeting to review the progress of the project. The picture below shows the attendees to the meeting.

9th of November, 2016

BeLEADFREE 1st Review Meeting

The BeLEADFREE 1st Review Meeting was held on the 9th of November in Coventry (UK). Representatives of all the BeLEADFREE Consortium partners attended the meeting to review the progress of the project.

7th of July, 2016

BeLEADFREE Kick-off Meeting

The official BeLEADFREE Kick-Off meeting was held on the 7th of July in London (UK). Representatives of all the BeLEADFREE Consortium partners as well as the European Commission attended the meeting.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 691503.



This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.